Business Innovation Week – Spring 2023 – Live Updates

Welcome to the Business Innovation Week – Spring 2023 Edition!
Organized by the Student Council, for the Student Body.

BIW updates are presented in reverse chronological order

Friday 5th May, 2023

09:30 – Our students have a visit at the World Intellectual Property Organization today.

Thursday 4th May, 2023

09:10 – This morning students are viewing this video together.

09:00 – Looking forward to hosting Laurence Zaied and William Hung during today’s BIW.

Wednesday 3rd May, 2023

BSL will have the pleasure of having guest speaker Dr. Emmanuelle Fauchart (speaking about: How AI is being used today) on site yesterday during our BIW.

Tuesday 2nd May, 2023

14:15 – Students are taking a break before coming back for some teamwork activities.

14:10 – A BIG thank you to Mr. Ricardo Perez Font!

14:00 – This image represents where we are now with AI Technology. On the cusp of the new, comfortable how we got there, fearful of the future…. This being said, this image was generated by AI…

13:55 – GDP Per Capita – Thankfully machines were made!

13:4 2 – It was once said:

13:45 – Recommended Reading 2

13:45 – Recommended Reading 1

13:42 – If you dont want to be affected by AI and ChatGPT, you will need to work as one of these:

13:40 – How will AI affect the job market in the next 3-5 years?

13:35 – An AI Tool Repository

13:33 – How AI Complements:

13:21 – WHAT??? How many people are using ChatGPT today?? and in such little time!

13:20 – Incredible Statistic!!!

13:15 – What is AI?

13:00 – After a well-deserved lunch break we are back with Mr. Ricardo Perez Font, speaking about where AI is taking us.

10:30 – Alumnus Hugo Artiganave speaks to the BIW group about what AI truly is…. Incredibly interesting!

09:25 – The BSL Student Council is presenting what they do and which positions are available for students

Open Positions are Vice President & Events Coordinator

09:20 –

09:15 –

09:00 – Day 2 will start off with Elections for the Student Council as well as for the head of the Sustainability Club!

Monday 1st May, 2023

16:15 – Yannick has been detailing the importance to be customer focused and how AI tools like can help scale and even improve your customer focus.

15:50 – Yannick is the Development and Sales Director for Be Customer Smart – The details of his presentation can not be shared due to the sensitivity of their content.

15:45 – Welcome to BSL Alumnus Yannick B. !

15:30 – Here are a few pictures from today’s event!

15:20 –

15:12 –

15:10 –

15:00 –

14:55 – Searl’s Chinese Room Argument

14:45 – The Turing Test

13:45 – Dr. Ganesh Nathan speaking to students

13:10 – Students are currently watching this before the arrival of Dr. Ganesh Nathan

13:08 – Read more about what is going on this week and who is going to be partaking in the Spring 2023 BIW!


11:35 – Early Lunch break! 🙂

11:27 – Quiz Time !

10:10 – Skills that Matter – If you write well, you will be able to take better advantage of this technology.

10:05 – Do’s and Dont’s of LLMS

09:52 – The BIW Members are watching this video about what AI and ChatGPT truly is all about:

09:50 – What is Chat GPT?

09:45 – BSL Student Trevor has joined us from the United States – A commitment as it is 4am for him at the moment!

09:00 – Here We Go!

Friday 28th April, 2023 – Prologue

You may or may not have read some of our Fall Business Innovation Week blogs so I thought it would be a good idea to jog your memory first.

Back in Fall, the Business Innovation Week was designed by BSL Professor Reda El Andaloussi an Ideation session to help students bring to light ideas of interests they have and how to budget and conceptualize a week’s worth of guest speakers and event management…

This was extremely fruitful as the Winter Business Innovation Week took the most popular idea (Negotiations) and got the team who proposed the idea, to work hand in hand with the BSL Student Council to bring it to life. It was the most well-received BIW by our students and brought back some well-needed energy to the Business Innovation Week.

The second most voted topic was that of AI Automation. ChatGPT hit the news at the end of 2022 like a huge fireball from above, taking most by surprise and causing a fury of curious being to sign up in order to “try it out”. (100 million users in 2 months) Our students did identify this as being a topic of interest before it blew up onto the scene and since then, so much has happened and evolved that this second most popular topic would certainly be the number 1 chosen one today.

It is so very fitting to have AI Automation as being the center point of this term’s BIW at BSL It is the current hot topic and it is something that all of us need to know about as we will be using more of it not only in business, but in our daily lives.

Here is what the upcoming week looks like:


Summary and Speakers

BIW Agenda

So buckle up, the Spring Business Innovation Week is going to be one for the history books!

Speaking of history, here-below is a copied version from Fall showing what our students presented as far as their concept for this event about AI Automation is concerned:

See you on Monday 1st of May!

AI Automation

AI Generated Image : ( – text used: Group presentations to 40 business students in a classroom)

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