Not being able to stay calm even just for a week in my home country of Switzerland, I’ve always known – deep inside of me – that I am an adventurer and a world citizen. This has led me to frequently travel around the globe, driven by passion or for military purposes. Jumping between continents and risky regions such as North Korea, Syria, and Kosovo, I am devoted to discovering truth, understanding and sharing knowledge, communicating with and supporting local communities. This passion to connect with others and to discover the world nourished a new personal project: flying. I frequently fly away from Lausanne airport in order to meditate and relax over the clouds or through the beautiful Swiss landscapes. Just imagine, taking off from the city to land in the beautiful and peaceful green region of Gruyères for a coffee with a tasty meringue and the view of the castle!
In the near future, I plan to connect even more with international people by spending some hours every week, giving classes on the importance of sustainability. This was the reason why I started a Doctorate of Business Administration at the University of Zürich recently. After nearly 10 years of studying multiple programs at BSL, the school has become an integral part of my DNA and I hope that this love story will continue in the years to come…