2022 Management Report
Daniel Lüscher’s heart beats for his family, climate protection and our blue planet. Growing up in the Appenzellerland, he studied electrical engineering at EurEta and industrial engineering at SVTS in St. Gallen, to ultimately realize his childhood dream of becoming a pilot. As an airline pilot with Swissair and Swiss, he saw the beauty of the blue planet in his professional life – but also its vulnerability and how dramatically our planet is changing. In 2007 – after seeing the film “An Inconvenient Truth” – he realized that it was high time to act and founded the climate protection movement MYBLUEPLANET! Today, as President of MYBLUEPLANET, he is passionately committed to climate protection and stopped flying. Purpose driven, Daniel started in 2021 the DAS in Sustainable Business and developed the ClimateActions 4 Companies programme in his diploma thesis.
Thereafter he launched and implement the ClimateActions 4 Companies programme under the umbrella of the NPO MYBLUEPLANET. In the first phase, the concept was tested with five companies. Now, Innotour Suisse is founding the Program ClimateActions 4 Companies and Daniels team is about to scale it all over Switzerland by 2022. The programme should become profitable from 2024 onwards.
The three-year participatory programme ClimateActions 4 Companies accompanies businesses on their path towards attaining net zero. It starts with an assessment of the company’s CO2 emissions, consumption of resources, and the measures that are already implemented. This is followed by an analysis and the preparation for action planning. Throughout all phases of the programme, the focus will be put on employee engagement. This acts as a long-term driver until targets are attained.