Doctorate of Business Administration

Doctoral Supervisors

Meet our current Doctoral Supervisors

Dr. Noel Albert

Dr. Erdal Atukeren

Dr. Hazbi Avdiji

Prof. Enrico Bergamini

Dr. Enrico Bergamini

Dr. Dominique Bourqui

Dr. Alexandra Broillet

Dr. Mouna Chaari

Dr. Murray Clark

Dr. Carlos Marques DaSilva

Dr. Emmanuelle Fauchart

Dr. Vincent Giolito

Dr. Michael Hathorn

Dr. Ghazi Kablouti

Dr. Serge Kassibrakis

Dr. Aylin Seckin

Dr. Aylin Seçkin Georges

Dr. Eleanor Khonje

Dr. Eleanor T. Khonje

Dr. Madina Kukenova

Dr. Marko Majer

Dr. Jan Erik Meidell

Dr. Ganesh Nathan

Dr. David Neto


Dr. Guy Ngayo

Dr. Heiner Mikosch

Dr. Heiner Mikosch

Patrick Rose

Dr. Patrick Rose

Dr. Igor Rotin

Prof. Wilson Ozuem

Dr. Wilson Ozuem

Dr. Marina Ruzio

Dr. Mario Saba

Dr. Sandro Saitta

Dr. Stefano Battaglia

Dr. Stefano Battaglia

Dr. Sandra Schlick

Dr. Adele Louise Carter

Dr. Adele Louise Carter

Dr. Elena Sernova

Meet our current Doctoral Supervisors exclusive to the BSL-aSSIST Dual Doctoral Degree Program

Dr. Sehoon Kim

Dr. Sehoon Kim

Dr. Jae Young Jang

Dr. Jae Young Jang

Dr. YongChan Kim

Dr. YongChan Kim

Dr. Sang Joon Kim

Dr. Sang Joon Kim