Permanent Stakeholder Representative
Mark Drewell is a thought leader and practitioner of global systemic change. He is the CEO of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, a worldwide partnership of companies and business schools taking action to develop the next generation of globally responsible leaders and Chairman of the Swedish-based World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child Foundation.
His is a past board member of San Francisco headquartered 14 000-member International Association of Business Communicators; senior associate of the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of the University of South Africa’s Centre for Corporate Citizenship and Chairman of Africa’s largest indigenous environmental NGO, the Endangered Wildlife Trust. Born in the UK, he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University then started his business career in mining finance in the City of London.
He moved to South Africa in 1989 and joined international diversified industrial company Barloworld Limited. Starting out in the steel and ferrochrome business where he was deeply involved with South Africa’s political transition, he then moved to cement business PPC, and then for a decade headed of Corporate Affairs, Investor Relations and Group Marketing. He has business interests in property, a distillery and an asset management company, now lives in the UK and is married with four young children.