The picture for this section represents an installation you can find in the Pommery cellar. The pictures was taken in Rems on December 27th, 2024. You will find many other artefacts in the Pommery cellar. The support of the Pommery company to artists dates back to the company founder, Mme Veuve Pommery.
Category: DBA Call for Research Projects
Call for DBA Research Projects “A Less Linear and More Individual-Centered Vision of Retirement”
The picture for this section represents an installation you can find in the Pommery cellar. The pictures was taken in Rems on December 27th, 2024. You will find many other artefacts in the Pommery cellar. The support of the Pommery company to artists dates back to the company founder, Mme Veuve Pommery.
Call for DBA Research Projects “Trends in Hospitality”
Emerging Trends in Hospitality for 2024 and beyond Current Trends Before we look forward, it is always useful to look …Read more
Call for DBA Research Projects “Decentralized Organizational Design Models”
The reality of work, for most people, is far from ideal. Work should be more than a daily chore, it …Read more